People and the Planet come first!

As a socially oriented business and a proud member of Hope Spot Bocas del Toro, we are driven to create a positive impact by providing quality education and taking care of nature. Join or support the Give Back experiences we lead in Bocas del Toro, Panama.

Instagram: @hopespotbocasdeltoro | Facebook: @hopespotbocasdeltoro


Chocolate Program: Trainings addressed to local indigenous women for career development in the Chocolate industry.
Programa de Chocolate: Entrenamientos dirigidos a mujeres indígenas locales para un desarrollo profesional en la industria Chocolatera.

Conscious Market: An eco-market curated by Cacao Blessings to support local produce by creating opportunities and connecting entrepreneurs.
Conscious Market: Un mercado ecológico organizado por Cacao Blessings para apoyar la producción local mediante la creación de oportunidades y la conexión de emprendedores.

Women Outreach Mentorship Program: Educational activities based on wellness to promote integral health of women and teenagers in Coastal Communities.
WOMP: Actividades educativas de bienestar para fomentar la salud integral de mujeres y jóvenes en Comunidades Costeras.


Gardening, Reforestation and Restoration: Building of a nursery house in collaboration with the community-based Organization ÑÖBA; Mangrove Reforestation in collaboration with Hope Spot Bocas del Toro and Mi Ambiente.
Jardinería, Reforestación y Restauración: Construcción de vivero en colaboración con la Organización de Base Comunitaria ÑÖBA, Reforestación de Manglares en colaboración con Hope Spot Bocas del Toro y Mi Ambiente.

Clean Water Project: Filters donation and sanitation educational talks to the community based Organization ÑÖBA
Proyecto Agua Limpia: Donación de filtros y charlas educativas sobre la sanidad a la Organización de Base Comunitaria ÑÖBA.

Cleaning Territories: In collaboration with Diving Pirates, Project AWARE, Bocas del Toro Rotary Club, Selina, Trashless, Caribbean Coral Restoration, among other institutions.
Limpieza de Territorios: En colaboración con: Diving Pirates, Project AWARE, Club Rotario de Bocas del Toro, Selina, Trashless, entre otras instituciones.


    Are you Human?
